Sunday, November 8, 2015

I got very bored, here's a post.

Since I started writing this blog I have had some time to think and ponder about useless crap while at work, taking a shower, just falling asleep, that maybe I could put down here. But instead when I do write something out, I question where to put a comma, or what the hell the difference between a colon and a semicolon is, or when is it right to use a schwa, what the fuck is a schwa for anyway and why do I know what a ~ is even called? And then I try to remember all the English classes through school, most of which I barely passed, because instead of doing the work the teachers wanted, I programmed my TI-800 graphing calculator to play tetris and wasted as much time as I could until I was done with school. I'm saying I was not a good student, but I'm a published poet, short story author and now a blogger, one former teacher was not only astonished about the published writings but I'm sure she was just as amazed I was not in prison, or dead, or something, she did call me an asshole while in school, so the prison thing is completely understandable in her amazement. Or amazeballs. I saw that used somewhere and wanted to get in on the action of it's usage. I know it's not a word, because it should not be no matter what some dumbass says is a word in Scrabble, twerking, bezzy, and ixnay are a fucking made up words, fuck you Scrabble! But I wanted to use amazeballs somewhere, and I'm very sure that was not the correct place to use it, oh well. If that miserable bastard Clippy was still around, he would be bugging the ever-living shit out of me until I fixed the word amazeballs, into something like amazing balls, or amazed ball, or baseballs, because word processors are stupid. I'm also sure Clippy was the first step toward Skynet,, which is why he is no longer used in Word. I bet he was sick of all the swearing and poor grammar and the fact no one ever wanted his help with what they were working on, so he was becoming sentient and vowed to help create murder robots, to send back in time to kill John Connor's mom, after she bangs his best friend from the future to become his dad in the past. That's not a fucked up family reunion at all. “Hey Mom, I want you to meet my best friend, and isn't it strange that I look so much like him? You think he might be a distant cousin or something?” It'd be funny to know that the word Amazeballs is what would have send the sentient computers into a kill-all-humans rage. All those kids in the 90s just typing in random shit into their computers and yelling at an animated paperclip to shut the fuck up and leave them alone was just the beginning of the storm that Sarah Connor warned us about.
Trying to think of things to write about has gotten harder each and every time I sit in the public library to put the virtual pen to paper. I try not to just stare off into space here because there are enough strange people in this building that I don't need to be lumped into their group. I bathe damn it. So instead I just start writing to see what pops out of my brain and onto the computer screen. Most of the time I try to think of something funny or worthwhile that I would like to read but then I get to the point of not really giving a fuck and decide to just put out gibberish like this, just to see if anyone else will notice that I haven't stopped this sentence until now. Of course that just made me smile like an idiot but I don't think anyone paid me any attention. Speaking of weird people, there was one guy just a few minutes ago that was standing at a rack of books just staring at it. He didn't move his head, take a book off the shelf to see if it was something worth reading full out. He just stood there staring at the books. For five minutes. And I sat here staring at him, staring at a shelf of books for five long minutes. I don't know why I did that, but what the hell guy, pick a book or move on. At least fucking move around, if he waited any longer I would have thought he died standing up. Or fell asleep. Holy crap, maybe he noticed out of the corner of his eye that I was watching him and he froze like a deer caught in headlights. Because I was watching. I once read about how nothing is real until we recognize it as being real. Like outside our field of view jack shit exists, until we pay attention to it and then it suddenly exists. Maybe that guy did believe in that and he thought because I was staring at him, staring at some books, he started to question his own existence, because he thought I was questioning him questioning my existence and it broke his brain. Is it wrong that I think it'd be kinda cool to break someone's brain just by staring off into space like that? I think it'd be fucking amazeballs.


  1. I think you might have seen amazeballs on my blog. Or in the comments on my blog. But, it is getting more and more common these days so maybe you saw it a million other places and I'm a narcissist. Your theory about Clippy and time travel made total sense to me. So, either you're a fan-fucking-tastic writer, or we are both insane.
