Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Only Spoiler Allowed Here Is Stephanie Brown!

Last night was the first showing of the newest Star Wars movie. I did not go see it. I will tonight. We have a really dinky movie theater here, that only shows two movies at a time and only one time per day, unless it is summer time and all the brats are out of school or a weekend. That's it, unless I want to travel four hours in either direction to the nearest big theater chain to watch this movie in IMAX 3D with jiggly seats. And while I am quite sure that the $20 for a seat is worth it for this movie, I'm going to stick with hoe and pay my eight dollars to sit in a somewhat crappy theater with the busted seats. At least I don't have to sit near any children, because we have a balcony that is eighteen and older. I am that guy that will complain about kids being in my area, I waited until I was eighteen you little fuckers, you can wait too. Go hump each other downstairs.
Since the premier of the Force Awakens I have ignored most of my social media accounts. I have blocked several friends on Facebook for the time being because they will spoil it and I don't want to be forced to murder them in for their sins. It should be a perfectly allowable legal defense to killer off anyone that spoils a movie, with in a two month time frame. If you haven't seen something like this after two months, it's your own goddamn fault. Within that time frame, public hangings should be encouraged. I was once accused of spoiling Citizen Cane because I said that whole Rosebud is his fucking toy was bullshit and this person hadn't seen the movie yet. I'm sorry you haven't seen a movie that was released before your fucking mother was born, that is not my fault. You should be thanking me for giving you the cliff notes version of that pile of shit movie. It's in black and white because color did not exist at the time, get over it. I still like to think that everyone was color blind until movies finally came out in color and it was a sudden change like it was in the Wizard of Oz. And I see some guy out in a field to his farm just staring at the sky, “Martha, what is that new bright shade of gray in the sky?”
“I don't know Harry, you think it will frighten the cows?”
“We won't know for a couple months, I do believe. Said 'Boo!' just last week to them.”
There were a couple people on my Facebook feed wondering about which order to rewatch the movies, before going to see the new one. I only made it through Episode One, and I think I'm just going to watch that again just before I go see the new one, it'll help keep my expectations low. It's not like I haven't seen these movies before. Hell I think I've seen the original trilogy more than a hundred times. I still have the tape that proves Han shot first, and why wouldn't he? Han Solo was a fucking asshole that thought making fun of some kid's new found religion was just fine because they gave him all the money they needed. So killing a guy that was there to toss his sorry ass to a giant slug for a down payment on some sand bungalow didn't seem out of character. Han is much more of a bad ass in first edition. I also have seen someone posting a thing about how they are in the one percent that hasn't seen any of these movies. Good on you pal, why are you harassing me because I have seen Return of the Jedi more than three hundred times, and can quote it near line for line? I'm sure my friend didn't post thing out of spite, but you know the fucker that made the damn meme did. And that guy is a douche. And probably the bag it came it. And he probably lives in his mom's basement for entirely different reasons than the nerds.
My home town is tiny, I'm sure I've mentioned this before, and with our one shitty theater we had a couple guys camping out in front. People I know asked if I was going to camp out too, and I told them “Fuck no!” Not that I didn't want to be the first person in, I wasn't going to hang out on a sidewalk in the fucking cold. It was sixteen fucking degrees (Fahrenheit, none of that Centigrade bullshit here) this morning when I got up at 8AM. Without a goddamn Taun Taun to cut open, I was not willing to dress as a Sith Lord, because the dark side is the best, am I right? and sit in the cold with a nice steady breeze to completely make Main Street feel like the icy breath of Hoth. To the guys that did, you dumbfucks are better fans than I. And much, much stupider too. To each their own I guess. And with that, I'm going to go see the movie, with high hopes. It can't be worse than Jar Jar Binks saving the galaxy with Pod Racing, can it? CAN IT? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts!

Update: I wrote this up well before I went to the theater to see the Force Awakens and just now got around to posting it to the blog. I got home from the movie a little bit ago, and  I am pleased. And a kid tried to spoil the movie, but someone grabbed the little shit before we could string him up, so we can only hope they tossed him in front of a bus.

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