Wednesday, December 2, 2015

There is no problem here.

Wednesday is the day I hold above all others, it is my holy day, Sabbath if you will. Because it is New Comic Book Day! It is the day that I go and give my local retailer a large portion of my money, and in return, I get several thirty-two page mini picture novels, and if it happens to be an annual, double the normal price.
Comic books are much like the drug trade that I was warned about in D.A.R.E. Back when I was a wee one just getting grips on how life was supposed to be, a friend of mine passed an issue to me telling me “This stuff is rad, try one.” We said rad then, and tubular, because the campy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was all the rage at the time and being dumb kids, we repeat what the TV said was popular. But that first hit sent me on a spiral down, you know you're hooked because you've gone through what that one friend had and he was no longer going to have a good supply about. You need more, so you find yourself a dealer, just to get the fix. And then you notice there are more than just the one strain you've been getting, you try something new and bold, with strange names and bright fancy colors. All promising a good time, out of reality. Sometimes it's a good trip, other times not so much. And then you're hooked, and you spend more and more money and then you can't wait until the next batch. And then, Bam! You're a fucking junky now! And then the other kids start calling you names, like Nerd and Geek but you ignore them because that lunch money Mom gave you, it's going right to the dealer because goddamn it he has a back issue you've never seen before. That son of a bitch friend then introduces you to the next fix, a little thing called Dungeons and Dragons. “Come on Billy, everyone else is doing it.”

Goddamn it, that all makes me sound like a real junky. But like my mom said, at least I was reading something.
I swear, I can stop anytime I want.

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